Olivia is playing the role of the angry student; we chose her to play this character as we feel as she would portray the character as our intended vision. We chose to use this character to introduce a comedic aspect to a serious, confusing documentary therefor grabbing the attention of the viewers. 

 Catherine is playing the character of the confused student we chose to use this character to emphasise how confusing the question is also giving it a sense of naturalism, we use the contrast between the character of Elsa and Catherine to create a sense of comedy as they are the polar opposites.

Elsa is playing the character professor who dedicates her entire career to finding out the question “why is humpty dumpty portrayed as an egg?” we use this character in order to explain the confusing question therefore making sense to our documentary but it also make it seem more professional.

 Louie is playing the character of the incorrect student, we chose to use this character in order to give another point of view and opinion even though it is incorrect it makes the documentary have a sense of realism as not everyone is correct.                                    



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